At the heart of the Jura region of France, the Haut-Jura nature reserve. Four villages which are dotted about in the reserve have come together and created a modern yet authentic ski area. The villages of Les Rousses, Prémanon, Lamoura and Bois d'Amont make up the area, which borders with Switzerland.

The small resort which stretches from 1120 to 1680 metres in altitude is an ideal place to get away from the hustle and bustle of modern life and enjoy some unspoilt nature. Thanks to its position on the French-Swiss border Les Rousses offers no less than 5 alpine ski areas:

  • The Franco-Swiss ski area (30 marked ski runs): Is made up of Dole Massif (Switzerland) and the Tuffes Massif (in France). There is a specially built linking ski run between the two resorts.
  • The Tuffes ski area (13 marked ski runs) above the town of Prémanon is well regarded and has three different access points (Jouvencelles, Balancier and Darbella). The resort has everything a modern ski resort should have and everything is in reach by ski. It is a truly delightful ski area for families.
  • The Serra ski area (13 marked ski runs) is above the town of Lamoura. The area has recently been improved and upgraded with a newly installed chairlift and new ski runs.
  • The Noirmont ski area (10 marked ski runs), the most popular in the Haut-Jura range, is above the town of Les Rousses and has the Franco-Swiss border at mid-height of the resort. The ski slopes are set to delight skiers out looking for hair raising adventure and speed.
  • The Bellefontaine ski area (3 marked ski runs): This area is ideal for families who are just beginning to learn to ski. The reduced size of the area compared with the others lends itself to safely being able to teach children how to ski. Reduced in scope compared to other areas of the resort, its slopes are ideal for skiing with the family.

For the younger generation Les Rousses ski resort has 3 bordercross courses:

  • A bordercross course accessible to all on the Serra blue slope
  • A bordercross course on the Entreroche blue slope (Bellefontaine ski area)
  • In the Tuffes Massive (Jouvencelles) there is a natural bordercross course (take the Jouvenceaux chairlift) (Worth a note as well that there are also two snow parks in Tuffes and in Serra.

Equipped with various rails and boxes) Les Rousses is one of the largest ski areas in France, offering over 220 kilometres of regularly groomed ski runs. Spread across 6 different areas, the cross country skiing in Les Rousses varies in difficulty, setting enough of a challenge for experts but also areas for beginners to start out.

The gentle landscape of the Haut-Jura lends itself particularly well to snowshoeing. Les Rousses ski resort has:

  • 18 Km of groomed snowshoe trails (access fee)
  • 50 Km of marked snowshoe trails (free access)
  • 10,000 hectares of virgin snow for freely snowshoeing around Les Rousses has several different solutions for the care of your children:
    • The Crèche "Les Petits Randonneurs (Small Hikers)" in Prémanon (children 3 months to 4 years)
    • The Lamoura Recreation centre "Les P'tits Boulis" (for children 3 to 12 years)
    • The Les Rousses day-care (for children 3 months to 6 years)
    • The “Francas” recreation centre specialising in local woodcraft (for children 3 to 11 years)
    • The “Jacobeys” recreation centre (for ages 5 to 13 years).

Resort overview

Slopes (55)

Black 5
Red 14
Blue 19
Green 17

Ski lifts (31)

Cable cars  
Chair-lifts 4
Poma lifts 27

Contact details

Phone +33 (0)3 84 60 02 55


Summit 1680m
Base 1160m

LES ROUSSES : 1 shop


  • Tourist office Tourist office
  • Shop Shop
  • Sport 2000 Berthet Sports

    Sport 2000 Berthet Sports, LES ROUSSES
    Rue Pasteur
    39220 LES ROUSSES
    Spoken languages Français English
    Holidays opening hours